mari | xia
16 , she/her
eng | fil | esp | 中 ok

base rates ( final price depends on the complexity of the request)
▪sketch: 1 usd
▪lineart: 2 usd
▪portraits with flat colours / shading will start at 5 usd.

more info
▪ i usually work on an a5 canvas.
▪quality for sketches and lineart will fluctuate and they may not look exactly like my other works
▪references are okay and are definitely encouraged for a smoother transaction! :)
▪send in a tip if you want to :)
▪dm if interested

i'm a BEGINNER digital artist based in the ph and i need money to survive basically haha. i would also like to improve during this break and i'd appreciate it if you could help out a broke artist like me during this pandemic :')

• payment upfront (gcash , paypal)
• willing to draw anything except for mecha, anything extremely nsfw, and furry art. i also wont be doing FULL BODY SHOTS.

art commissions are currently: open